While Not All of the following Tips For Selling Your Home will apply, it's a good idea to go through the list to be sure you're ready.

1. First Impressions mean a lot. Everyone wants to be proud of their homes appearance. Landscaping, paint, clean-up, trimming of trees & bushes, all lead to a good first impression.
2. Remove Clutter from your yard and inside the home. Any good real estate agent will tell you that it's important for the buyer to be able to "picture" themselves and their furnishings in the home. Reducing clutter and unnecessary furniture can help. If there is limited space or it's just not practical to remove items from the home, at least pack them in boxes or containers. It's better to have them neatly stacked in the garage or basement than have distracting clutter in the home.
3. Your Real Estate Agent is Important. Be sure your agent has experience getting homes SOLD. The company they work for is not nearly as important as the agent. Let's face it, the buyer really doesn't care what company the home is listed with. A good agent will be honest with you and try to provide the best suggestions and ideas to get the highest sales price.
4. More Photos Doesn't Necessarily Mean More Showings. While photos are one of the most important aspects of getting buyers into your home, they can also be a "negative". My advice (and any good agents advice) would be to only use images that will bring buyers to the home. Too often a seller wants multiple photos of every room and angle thinking that's what the buyer will want. If the photo will not encourage a buyer to the home, DO NOT USE IT. Remember that, to sell the home, the buyer must walk in the door. Negative photos may discourage that. If the buyer does walk in the door, they may like other features enough to overlook the negative.
5. The MOST Important Tip, Get A Market Analysis. What the seller "wants" for the property may not be the going market value. The seller's price may be too high or too low (not as common). A realistic price will get the home sold fast and probably for more money. New listings get the most eyeballs on them. Too many agents will provide an inflated price knowing that the seller many times will list with whichever agent tells them the highest amount. It's unfortunate but this happens every day. Then the agent who provided that inflated price begins asking for price reductions. Of course the seller can ask whatever price they choose, but it's always the best idea to know upfront what is market value.
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